You Deserve to Feel Heard

It Doesn’t Have to Feel Like This

During times of struggle, grief, anxiety, depression, or major life changes finding support is the most important step. As your therapist, I will listen and hold the space where you can be your authentic self. Together we will untangle and demystify all the feelings, emotions, and trauma you are experiencing. We will identify your strengths, resilience, passion, and goals to make positive and meaningful change. We will work collaboratively to figure it out. My goal is to create a non-judgmental, supportive, nurturing, compassionate, and safe environment where you can explore your strengths and obstacles and challenge your old stories. My work is attuned to each individual’s, couple, or family’s needs, personality, and circumstances. I meet you where you are and let you be you. Maybe sprinkle a little humor too and giggle a bit along the way.

Individual Counseling

I work with adults suffering from anxiety, depression, complex trauma, relational trauma, intergenerational trauma, PTSD, going through life transitions, relationship issues, self-esteem issues, career struggles, and health issues. We work together to process what is going on for you, identify your strengths, integrate skills and empower you to heal and make positive change.​

I attune my approach and treatment plan to my clients goals and experience. We process what you are going through, unpack what we discover or uncover during our sessions. In addition, we build upon your strengths and highlight your resiliency. We will work together to build new skills, problem solve, create solutions and identify what might be holding you back.

Love and compassion begin with kindness towards ourselves.

– Jack Kornfield

Couples Counseling

Real intimacy is when you can love, tell the your truth and feel safe. In couples therapy, we will work together to find root of the disconnection and detachment. Or perhaps, bridge the gap that has grown between the couple or how we can repair the rupture. As your couples therapist, I will help to identify where you are stuck and what cycles keep you from real intimacy. You as a couple will learn to work together to build a new foundation where healthy communication and secure attachment is established and healthy skills are learned and embedded into the relationship. In our sessions, you were learn about each other in a different way.

To be fully seen by somebody then and be loved anyhow — this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.

— Elizabeth Gilbert

It can feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar to advocate for your own wellbeing, but taking the step towards seeking support for yourself is a big step towards creating positive change in your life.

You can do this.